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It’s been twenty long years but Mike finally pops his FNM cherry!
Gearing up for Pro Tour Magic Origins, Mike needs to get some Limited preparation in, and where better than Friday Night Magic?
Spoilers: Mike wins a foil [card]Path to Exile[/card].
Mike and Brian meet up with Platinum-level Pro (and Mike’s teammate on Team Ultra PRO) Craig Wescoe… Who has apparently moved to one block from Mike’s old house in New York, NY.
Chats are had by all, with Celebrity Guest Craig weighing in on topics various.
In addition to Mike playing FNM we hear about…
- Losing to [card]Sphinx’s Tutelage[/card]
- Making the transition from on-again / off-again Pro Tour irregular to legit professional
- Preparation techniques of the stars
- Prospective Hall of Fame ballots
- And more!
Your hosts,
Brian David-Marshall – @top8games
Michael J. Flores – @fivewithflores
Craig Wescoe – @nacatls4life
Facebook – http://facebook.com/top8magic
Deckade – http://amzn.to/deckade
Fetchland – http://www.fetchland.com