F2F Tour Modern News

F2F Tour Stop Calgary – Cycle 3 Recap

Greetings from the F2F Tour Recap Desk as we look back at last weekend’s Open Qualifier in Calgary. 104 players battled against each other in our 3rd Tour Stop for Cycle 3. Top competitors for this event qualify themselves for the Regional Championship in either Toronto (June 2nd – 4th) or Edmonton (June 16th – 18th).

Anna Heggerud managed to take down the entire event. The big story? She did it by putting Merfolk back on the Modern map. What’s more is that there was not just one but TWO Merfolk decks in the top 8. Stephen Chapman shaved off some numbers to be able to fit 2 copies of Jace, the Mind Sculptor.

I can’t forget to mention that Anna finished with a 9-0-1 table. Yep, she ran the table. Time to take Merfolk more seriously again?

Consistent performers of the F2F Tour, Liam Hoban and Ash Loraas, both brought their Elementals list into the top 8.

To complete the top 8, we had a Hammer list, a UR Prowess list, Asmo Food, and Indomitable Creativity.

Congratulations again to everyone who earned themselves an invite to an F2F Tour Regional Championship!

Commander has become a HUGE part of our Tour stops. In fact, our numbers across the formats are high. It was great to see the people from Wizards Of The North having a great time. Definitely give their content a look if you’re looking for more EDH material to eat up!

Next stop? The lovely city of Toronto! I’ve looked at the current pre-registered numbers, there’s going to be a lot of Magic being played in the room this Saturday so don’t miss it!

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