Premier Play saw a number of changes in 2012, between Planeswalker Points, the changes to the World Championships and addition of the Players Championships, and the increased GP schedule. Moving into 2013, Wizards of the Coast has continued to revise their Premier Play structure.
Perhaps the most exciting news is that starting with GP Indianapolis in December 2012, the top 8 competitors at any GP with 1200+ players will now receive Pro Tour invites and airfare.
At the GP level, all 45 GP locations for 2013 have now been announced. As would be expected, the majority are concentrated in North America and Europe, with seven in Asia and two each in South America and Australia.
The GP Promo for the first half of the year – up through GP Houston in June – will be Primeval Titan. As with 2012, there will be a different promo for the second half of the year. While Primeval Titan sees fringe play in Modern and Legacy, this was most likely selected as a promo for Commander players, prior to his banning in the casual format. Fortunately, as Commander *is* a casual format, and the ban list is more guidelines than rules anyway, you can hopefully convince your local play group to allow you to search for Cabal Coffers and Urborg once again starting this January.
Moving on to the World Magic Cup, which will be held in Amsterdam this year, there will now be both Team Sealed and Unified Standard on day one. Additionally, the fourth player will no longer be cut halfway through the event – instead each team selects three out of the four players to play in each format. This is obviously great for all competitors, as no one will have to watch on the sidelines as their teammates continue on in the event.
Additionally, the prize pool for both the WMC and all Pro Tours has been raised to $250,000 per event.
Regarding the Players Championship, while last year the tournament awarded the title of “Player of the Year”, in 2013 it will once again determine the “World Champion”, a more widely recognizable title, while Player of the Year will be given to the player with the most Pro Points, as had been done in the past.
PTQ winners will now be awarded an additional 1000 Planeswalker Points, automatically granting them two byes at GPs, and putting them much closer to the 1500 goal needed for three byes.
Read the full article here.
What do you think of these changes? Are you excited for your Primeval Titan GP promo? Let us know in the comments!