Mana Deprived has been gaining significant exposure over the last week. A site that used to get 12 unique visitors a day now attracts approximately 300 of them on a daily basis. Chapin and Flores even referenced us in their latest articles. With all of that said, I am going to take this opportunity to review the direction of Mana Deprived, introduce our newest team member and display the initial design of the official Mana Deprived t-shirt.
A few days ago, I posted the RUG Vengevine list. My friend Adrian IMed me immediately about it. I asked him how he knew so quickly that I had made a new post. He told me that when he opens his browser, it brings up SCG, Channel Fireball and Mana Deprived automatically for him. That made me smile. Other people have told me the same thing. To be placed side by side (on their browsers) next to the biggest names in the industry is quite the honor. Of course, none of this would be possible without our initial fan base that has been spreading the word for us. Mucho gracias.
As I have stated in my very first post on this site, the goal is not to compete with any of the big boys. We just want to bring something unique to the table, so you have to check us out as much as you check them out. Moving forward, I feel it's important for not only our followers, but myself as well, to outline our unique features. You guys can let me know what I am missing.
- I want us to be the #1 resource for Constructed videos on many different formats. We will happily let LSV keep his crown on draft videos.
- I want us to be the #1 English resource for Japanese technology. The results of GP Sendai were posted on Mana Deprived before any other English-based site. With the help of our newest member (more on that below), we hope to continue this trend of being on top of everything Japanese.
- I want us to feature Canadian and MTGO talent in an effort to differentiate us from the other sites. The core of the team is Canadian (some of the best in the country) and we already have one of the most successful MTGO players on board in bolov0. I have recently contacted Nihil198571, the current leader in the MTGO Player of the Year race, and there is definite interest in a future project together. It helps that both of us are Chinese.
Now, let me introduce you all to the newest member of Team Mana Deprived: Alex Lin. Living in Tokyo, Alex's main responsibility can be defined as being our Japan Insider. From time to time, he will be updating us on any relevant news or tech coming from Japan. With a good grasp of both the English and the Japanese language, he will also be translating particular articles for us as well. In fact, I will be posting a deck tech on the RUG Vengevine deck later on in the day that Alex has translated. The official MTG team told us that they were going to provide the deck tech on Day 2 via, but that never happened, so I guess that's why we will be doing it.
Canadian Nationals is coming in less than 3 weeks. Doug has told me that he would definitely wear a Mana Deprived t-shirt at the event should I ever decide to create one. With the help of my graphics designer, Elisha Leo, I have done just that. Check out the design below. You can click on the picture to see an enlarged version of it.
The few people who I have shown this design to have asked me about the logo. The logo is simply our version of the letter M (look at our banner). What do you guys think? I think it is cool, yet classy at the same time. Another question would be to ask if any of you guys would buy one to support the site. Now, I personally would never buy a Channel Fireball or SCG t-shirt because even though I am a fan of these sites, I do not feel connected to them in any way.
I hope you guys feel differently with Mana Deprived. I try my best to reply to every single comment that I receive, but sometimes, I just do not know what to say. Spanner, Sigmaa, Mr. Peebuddy, Ed and Rui_pf, thanks for the feedback
on my last post. I really do read and appreciate every single comment. I have read many SCG articles where the author encourages readers to post questions in the forums yet they themselves are nowhere to be found. I do not want that type of experience here.
Until next time,

Kar Yung Tom (KYT) is the Digital Content Manager for Face to Face Games. He oversees the and Magic F2F websites. He is also the lead host of the First Strike podcast.